trip to pantai!! + sunset

main air.. 

takut air ey,,

when the water hit my leg.. hehhe


peace ndak alah2... hehe

mezha stand up.. hehe

nieda n k.e.. 


pose gaya bebas.!!

kanak2 riang tgh bermain di tepi pantai.. hehe

santai seyh.

nothing to do...

hmmm.. no komen..

ish2.. apa ka..

boh bingung keyh.. hehe

ish org k bj coklet ya ngaco da jak.. spoiler gambar.. huhuhu

ermmm... pose lg seyh..

ndak alah2.. jd model jak ktk 2.

pa ka di diat nya sinun ka,, hanya k.e sorg tgk kamra.. apiz tgk utan.. nieda tgk org k baju mandik.. haha

da gik..

nak pa k.e??

1 misskol..

kacak na batu ya ey..

gambar lompatan yg x jadi.. hehehe

emm.. manis koh.. best pa gmbr tok..        


shadow of nieda

b4 sunset over..


picx sea shore

me lol..

shoot the moon..

light behind the hills..

permandangan yg menenangkan

terbenamnya matahari, naik nya bulan..

pasir 2 butir..

keindahan senja..
